Saturday, June 12, 2010

THAT PRECIOUS GIFT OF A COW / Kansas Farm Life / Carolyn’s Natural Soap

Milk again?  Brian milks the cows twice a day, morning and night.    He just came in with those heavy stainless tots filled with that precious gold, that the cow gives with out fail. 

Cows who eat grass and have peaceful ,comfortable lives are the most graceful, beautiful and enjoyable thing to watch.   They dot the fields with their bright colors, and move slowly through the grass as if they were Waltzing to the sound of the wind. Often times I walk outside to join them and enjoy the warmth of the summer sun.

The sun gives the milk that much needed vitamin called Vitamin D.  We need that vitamin to remain healthy.  What a gift real milk is for the farmer and his family.


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1 comment:

  1. I love your posts:) My friends referred me your site for the first time. And I'm still following your posts everyday. Take care. Keep sharing.


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