Sunday, June 13, 2010

WONDER MAN / Kansas Farm Life / Carolyn’s Natural Soap

Brian is a “Wonder Man” in my opinion. He can milk those cows as fast as a milking machine. He knows what each cow is like and what they need to keep healthy.  He cares for our cows and treats them with dignity. When he was a boy, he learned how to work hard and appreciate what little his family had.  Milking the cows for his father became his job and he learned to enjoy milking and working with the animals.

Now it’s my turn to help Brian with the milk when he gets it to the kitchen. Those tots weigh 20 or more lbs. The milk is strained and put into glass gallon jars and refrigerated.  Now it’s time to clean up and watch what’s going on out my kitchen window.

I’ll be making Soap tomorrow.  The rich, creamy Jersey milk will make my soap so wonderful.  What a life!

Dad and cow

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