Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 / Music from the Reids


How was your Thanksgiving?  Being thankful for our blessings is so important.  Now days with all the talk of how inflation is soon to be at our doors, and how we need to prepare for the deflation of the dollar, it’s good to be with family and friends to enjoy the comfort of laughter and great food and not think of the troubles our nation is in for awhile. 

We had a grand time around the table at our daughters house eating and  remembering past Thanksgivings at my mothers house when the children were small.  Those Thanksgiving meals meant so much to me because of the music and how the children were involved in sharing a song.  That’s when we learned to make the house ring with music and that musical desire continues even today.

Singing at Thanksgiving 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

NEW CALVES AT THE RANCH / Kansas Farm Life / Midwest Small Farming / Natural Ranch Products


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New calves at the ranch.  Stanley is a Jersey bull calf and Co Co was born Monday the 8th of November.  This is Trisha’s first calf and we are so happy to start to have her part of the cow herd. 

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