Saturday, May 15, 2010

Working with the thunder and rain / Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products / Farm Life

What A Week!  How was your week?  We’re so busy my head is spinning.  The farm is beginning to look better with the flowers and grass mowed that is until  this last down pour we had, now the grass needs mowed again.  All the yards in town and in the country show how busy all of you are too. DSC01420

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Friday, May 14, 2010

MY KITCHEN WINDOW (FOUR) Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products / Farm Life

Today from my kitchen window I watched the prettiest thing. My grand daughter Isabelle hanging her first basket of laundry. Her beautiful wavy hair falling over her face as she squinted at the sun to hang each piece. Searching for the clothes pins and trying to hang each garment perfectly. That was my high light today. What a life!

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

MY KITCHEN WINDOW (THREE) Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products / Farm Life

 DSC01450 The newest thing to see from my kitchen window is a gift from my sister and brother-in-law. Last week they came with lumber and concrete . What are they going to do? Brian got the tractor and post hole digger and drilled two holes 25 feet apart. Dave and Kathy began to put up the most attractive clothes line I have ever had. Now my clothes will smell so great and will dry faster then the dryer. I could hardly wait till I stood in the sun hanging my first load of laundry.



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

MY KITCHEN WINDOW (TWO) / Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products / Farm Life


Mom's Farm May 07 004 Mom's Farm May 07 005 Mom's Farm May 07 008 Mom's Farm May 07 003 My kitchen window has saved many a chicken from a fox, a guinea fowl from an owl. The coyotes crouch and creep through the tall grass sometimes moving with the cows hoping I won’t see them. I do see it all as I stand at my sink watching and soaking in all that nature has to share. I’m so blessed.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

MY KITCHEN WINDOW (ONE) / Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products / Farm Life


What a beautiful day! I have the best view from my kitchen window. The cows grazing in the field……

DSCF0140One red and white Guernsey, she is so tall and her side kick bull calf, looks just like her.

DSCF0136DSCF0135There’s June the Holstein and Mae the black Jersey. Mae is so sweet and has a 7 month heifer calf called Myrtle.

Mom's Farm May 07 009 Becky, the Jersey girl that started this whole adventure is finally pregnant after 5 years of milking without freshening. She thinks she owns the place and maybe she does. Her picture is on my soap labels and her milk and cream makes the soaps creamy and nourishing.

More “My Kitchen Window” posts to come in near future…….

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Monday, May 10, 2010



Today my supplies came for soap and cream making. I will be making more soap as some of my soap flavors are in short supply.

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Julie helped me wrap Mint Tea Lady and Simply Soap yesterday so I can get my package ready for Akins Natural Health store in Oklahoma and get it in the mail. The business keeps growing even in this slowing economy. More and more people are beginning to realize natural products without chemicals or detergents are what they want to put on their skin and in their bodies. I grow most all the herbs in my soaps which also help the skin regenerate its self.


For some people, when you first use natural products on your skin it might take some time for your skin to benefit while the body cleans out the old damage done by harsh chemicals. The wait is so wonderful! To have healthy skin the natural way is the way to go.

If you want to benefit from these and other wonderful products we make at the farm visit:

Carolyn's Natural Soap

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Thank you for reading my blog. Carolyn

Sunday, May 9, 2010

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY / Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products


Life is so overwhelming. Some times it is good to turn off the cell phone and everything that can interrupt your thoughts and take a break to meditate on what your spirit is saying , you might be surprised at what you’ll learn.

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Have a Happy Mothers Day.

Love Carolyn

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