Friday, December 3, 2010

WHAT IS THAT IN THE SKY? / Kansas Farm Life / Mid West Farming



Have you ever noticed the long trails of spray that comes out of some of the jet airplanes?   I’ve been looking upward more now since I’ve seen these long trails criss cross like a Tick Tack Toe board in the sky above the farm.  If you  watch for awhile, these white, cloudy trails will completely cover the length of the sky, begin to spread out and look like cirrus clouds.  I watched several planes, ( at least I think they are normal planes, they are so far up in the sky they look like little dots) as I came home the other day, spreading white trails of something, I’m sure it’s not normal, right in front of the sun as it was setting.  I counted 9 trails.  In California they sprayed our area with a chemical to kill a fly that was killing the fruit trees.  This seems similar but to a greater degree and much higher in the sky.   Even this morning when I went early to give the calves their bottles, long trails were stretching across the dark sky. If any of you have knowledge about these things maybe you could share.  Very Concerned. Thanks

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

THREE IS MORE THEN ENOUGH / Kansas Farm Life / Mid West Simple Living

THREE IS MORE THEN ENOUGH.  Our goat Ginger had her kids the other day.  It was when Brian went to milk when he heard the sound of the babies crying.  Ginger had three kids again this time.  I went up to clean them off and see what they were.  Two males and one doe.  That night we thought all were nursing and doing fine.  The next day I went to check on them in the afternoon.  One kid looked nearly dead.  He was still and lying stretched out while the others were warm and sleeping.  I picked up this little one, so mad at myself for not checking earlier. Took him to the house and I forced him to drink the colostrum I had taken from his mother.  He didn’t try to suck, only was freezing cold and limp.  Eva and Isabelle held him near the fire place and kept trying to get some colostrum down his throat.  Miracles still happen! AT 2:30AM I heard him crying and I gave him more milk. 


The next morning he was up on his feet, and Naomi held him the rest of the day until we had to put him in the barn.  


Adelaide is here today and Prince Nibbles is now everyone's favorite baby.  Prince Nibbles will be Adelaide’s 4-H project for next years fair.

Monday, November 29, 2010

UPON THE ROOF! / Kansas Farm Life / Mid west small farm / Simple Living

UPON THE ROOF!  Kansas doesn’t have mountains or snow covered peeks but up on the roof the view is spectacular!  The clouds seemed closer and the air fresher upon on the roof.  The day Brian needed help laying black paper over the old boards on the roof of the new barn addition Kathy and I climbed the ladder to help. 

milk shed 3 063

The wind was howling that afternoon and the rain was expected soon.  We held the paper in place and handed nails to Brian.  What an awesome time we had, our hair blowing and eyes beginning to water as we laughed so hard remembering how we were as little girls on our fathers farm in California. We forgot we were grandmothers with graying hair and aching knees even Brian had a good time listening to our stories.  


The Reid ranch looked so beautiful with the cows and goats grazing as the day turned to dusk.” One more nail,” Brian said.  The job was finished for now, but oh how much fun we had on the roof.

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