Friday, July 16, 2010

AMERICA’S FREEDOM / Mid West Farm Life


Photo By CCPSC

Outside of the day to day life on the farm , the world seems to be falling apart.  It’s hard to believe that as we continue each days duties; feed the cows, water the chickens, feed the chicks, weed the garden, mow the grass, milk the cows, wash the milk jars, wash the clothes, hang the laundry, cut the hay, bale and stack the hay, and on and on it goes, we tend to forget that out great country is slowly, but steadily changing directions. These changes are trying to take away the heart and soul of a great free and independent people.  Do any of you out in the Internet World know what I’m talking about?  The lawmakers are not thinking about how their laws will really affect the everyday man.  The restrictions on businesses and communities will put such a burden on us that no one will be able to make a living as we have become  accustom to doing.  Maybe, we can all stand together and just say no and become more stubborn, like a mule, or we will become a country not recognizable.


Comments are welcome

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Elderberry’s / Mid West Farm Life / Carolyn’s Natural Soap


It’s time to start to pick and dry the wonderful herbs that grow wild.  When you gather wild plants remember to check the surrounding fields.  If they are row crops more then not they have been sprayed with chemicals, don’t pick there.  Pick your Elderberry flowers and berries with in the next few weeks and enjoy the benefits of Elderberry Juice, jelly, and syrup for this winters cold season. Some of my fondest memories are of my Mother and Dad cleaning Elderberries off the piles of plants my dad brought home from his mining ventures. On the front porch Mom and Dad filled bowls of this precious fruit that Mother would make into the finest jam I’ve ever tasted.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wild Harvest In Kansas / Mid – West Farm Life / Carolyn’s Natural Soap


What do you see in a garden?  Mine is plain and natural with rocks and herbs that I love.  Comfrey is a plant that every one should have in their yard.  Comfrey is called the Bone Knitted and Healer.  A poultice of comfrey leaves will help any kind of injury.  The tea or extract of comfrey poured into a wound will help heal and stop inflammation. I thinned my comfrey plants yesterday as they grow well in this Kansas climate.



Echinacea is one of my favorites.  It not only looks good but after 3 years the root can be pulled and dried and used in tinctures.  I also use the flowers and leaves in teas. There’s so much these plants can be used for, for animal health and ours.   Strengthens the immune system and helping to keep our bodies free of viral infections.



The Mullein plants are getting their flowers and won’t last long. Pick the flowers and leaves for a wonderful healthful tea.  Mullein is that tall skinny plant with large fussy leaves and the little yellow flowers grow in a tall spine.  The story I read years ago tells how this plant was used in the Revolutionary War for soldiers who had respiratory problems.  There are so many plants to harvest this time of year we’ll need to get busy.


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Sunday, July 11, 2010

NEW SOAP LABELS / Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Midwest Farm Life


Adelaide soap 2

Adelaide soap

Well, Now that I will be putting my soap in to the Akins Natural Health Stores, Julie my partner in this venture, is working on a new, better and cleaner looking wrapper for my soaps.  You’ll soon see them in The Community Mercantile and Hy-Vee  in Lawrence.  I’m so excited about having my soap bars in other mid-west states. I feel confident they will sell well and become a favorite for all the folks in those communities.

Visit Carolyn's Natural Soap