Saturday, May 8, 2010

OLD FASHIONED WAYS / Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products





Brian is making an old rusty manure spreader new again. He is getting so much pleasure finding pieces of metal that will fit on it. He comes in all delighted with how it all is coming together as if he had planned and cut every piece. I told him, “it will get very dirty”! Manure is stinky and gross. It should be a wagon because it looks so nice. He is determined to dirty this old but new spreader and fertilize our fields the old fashioned way. I will post some pictures later of it in action. Great way to recycle old machines and fertilize with something already produced on this farm.

Thank you reading our blog. Carolyn

Visit Carolyn's Natural Soap Website

Friday, May 7, 2010

FRESH FARM CHEESE / Carolyn’s Natural Soap Products / Reid Ranch Products


DSC01268 DSC01267 Yesterday  10 gallon of extra milk went into making Farmers Cheddar cheese and 2lbs of butter.  Took me all morning to get the milk ready for the stove.  It’s become fairly easy to make if the temperature is right and you have the culture and rennet.  After the cheese is in the press over night, I take out the round block and will have it dry out for a few more days before being waxed.  

Everything we do takes time and patience but the rewards are many.  Enjoying the little things in life give us much happiness.

Our Reid Ranch Farm Store is always open. Email us if you are interested in Fresh Farm Products.

Thanks for reading this blog.  Carolyn

Visit "Carolyn's Natural Soap" Website

Thursday, May 6, 2010

TOMORROW / Carolyn’s Natural Soap & Creams / Reid Ranch Products



Tomorrow is on my mind today. Tomorrow will bring new blossoms to the flowers and more milk to make into cheese. What a life! Doing the things you love to do is what life should be all about. Never in a million years would I have imagined that we could live off the land but it’s happening.

I guess for all of us, if we allow the things that make us happy be are guide and receive inspiration to create then acting on that inspiration could end up as a way to live. Like making soap, I always wanted to make soap. I tried and it became something I loved to do and with more thought and learning it has become a beginning for more success.

Thanks for reading this blog and I’ll try to be more active on it through out the summer.  Carolyn


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