Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Good Morning.
I feed the calf "Moon Light" early this morning while I was still in my P.J.'s. He drank almost a gallon of fresh milk. I will have to remember to save back more.
The grass is turning green and there are blossoms on our peach and apricot trees. Spring is coming.

I planned on making soap today and wrapping Sweet Almond and Prairie Sage Soap but we decided to go to Lenexa, KS to purchase 70 cases of 1 gallon jars for our milk. We are always in need of jars. The jars were in a large industrial cave and they were stored deep inside. What an adventure.

On the drive back I read my new book on making cheese. Great book. Lots to learn.

We got home safe and now are ready for the evening milking. Tomorrow I will attempt again to make soap.


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