Friday, July 16, 2010

AMERICA’S FREEDOM / Mid West Farm Life


Photo By CCPSC

Outside of the day to day life on the farm , the world seems to be falling apart.  It’s hard to believe that as we continue each days duties; feed the cows, water the chickens, feed the chicks, weed the garden, mow the grass, milk the cows, wash the milk jars, wash the clothes, hang the laundry, cut the hay, bale and stack the hay, and on and on it goes, we tend to forget that out great country is slowly, but steadily changing directions. These changes are trying to take away the heart and soul of a great free and independent people.  Do any of you out in the Internet World know what I’m talking about?  The lawmakers are not thinking about how their laws will really affect the everyday man.  The restrictions on businesses and communities will put such a burden on us that no one will be able to make a living as we have become  accustom to doing.  Maybe, we can all stand together and just say no and become more stubborn, like a mule, or we will become a country not recognizable.


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