Tuesday, May 11, 2010

MY KITCHEN WINDOW (ONE) / Carolyn’s Natural Soap / Reid Ranch Products / Farm Life


What a beautiful day! I have the best view from my kitchen window. The cows grazing in the field……

DSCF0140One red and white Guernsey, she is so tall and her side kick bull calf, looks just like her.

DSCF0136DSCF0135There’s June the Holstein and Mae the black Jersey. Mae is so sweet and has a 7 month heifer calf called Myrtle.

Mom's Farm May 07 009 Becky, the Jersey girl that started this whole adventure is finally pregnant after 5 years of milking without freshening. She thinks she owns the place and maybe she does. Her picture is on my soap labels and her milk and cream makes the soaps creamy and nourishing.

More “My Kitchen Window” posts to come in near future…….

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  1. Hi Carol, What a great view you have. When do you have any extra time to look at what's going on outside? You are soooo busy all of the time that I get DIZZY just thinking about it! =)I simply LOVE your soaps, creams, etc. Hope you can keep the production going!

  2. I was outside today hanging cloths on that beautiful cloths line that I see outside My Kitchen Window.


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