Friday, August 6, 2010

Don’t let the years slip by become alive / Mid-West Farm Life / Carolyn’s Natural Soap

Time just slips away.  We moved into our new farm house two years ago and I can’t believe we have been in our beautiful home that long all ready. 


I must start to be faithful to write in a journal so I can remember what goes on day by day and month by month then the years will go slower, I think.  Life is so short and yet so important because every thing we do and say affects another generation.  I hope my steadiness in times of trouble and faithfulness to my husband will help influence our grandchildren in their future.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute and interesting blog. I am planning on coming back to visit when I get more time. By the way I am your new follower.

    I am on a mission to follow 5 new interesting blogs a day and hope that they stop over to my blog and follow me back.
    My Journey With Candida


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